football + hyperreality

This is my contribution to It’s a publication and Exhibition – part of a Liverpool Art School Graphic Design & Illustration Staff Project, based on an essay by Umberto Eco. Myself and colleagues have produced a riso Publication and Exhibition in celebration of the World Cup 2014. We’ve had a low key launch at Liverpool best and coolest coffee and scran gaff – the legendary Bold Street Coffee. If you’re really clever you should be able to work out what the text says. If, like me and Stephen Hawking you’re off the scale – see if you can work out the significance of the blue marks.

I created a foil blocked character Vuvu, he’s based on all those irrelevant football mascots that end up in the bargain bins. you’ll see him used throughout the summer on a series of editioned screen prints, I’m producing. Sepp Blatter keeps texting, asking if he can have a free print.

Below: is a foil blocked detail – The foil blocking is was applied by Wendy from the small but perfectly brilliant design studio Stride Studio – Watch this space